The word 'nirbhayi' is the new word in town. It's become very popular because of a heinous and barbaric act by a group of callous, twisted men. Nirbhayi was the reason, India reacted, India fumed, in many ways she was the reason India woke up. There were violent protests, there were peaceful protests, there were demonstrations, there were candlelight prayers and marches. There were reactions of all kinds across many sections of the country - the students, the politicians, the common man, the women's groups. People were agitated, people were scared, people were insecure, people were rattled to their very core. It was as if the gruesome rape and horrendous attack thereafter had happened right in their homes, to one of their very own.
But that is true isn't it? The word rape sends shivers down everybody's spine, men and women alike. Women because there is the deep fear and the dark and dreadful thought that it could've been one of us or one of our dearest. Men because it could've been their mother, daughter, sister, wife, close friend. That's how close rape is to us.
What is 'nirbhay'? It is a Sanskrit word which means dauntless/fearless. Nirbhayi was indeed a fearless girl, she fought till the very end for her life, she fought trauma when she gave her statement, she fought to the very end of her life. Nirbhayi thus has become a collective for the many women who suffer, who have been abused, who have been hurt, who have been scarred by some inhumane men who don't deserve to be called human beings!!!
Recently, two of our soldiers too met with a brutal end in the hands of our neighbours from Pakistan. What was done to them was barbaric and heinous too. But sadly India reacted but mildly, India fumed, but only individuals, India didn't wake up, it continued to slumber. There were next to no protests, no prayer meetings no candlelight vigils. There were reactions but not across many sections of society. A very small percentage of population was agitated, scared, insecure, rattled. After all, this could never happen in our homes, it could not happen to the nearest and dearest of the majority of our population.
This also is true isn't it? The death, killing, torture of a soldier does not send shivers down many spines. After all, they are soldiers, it's their job, it's what they are paid to do.
When every Indian Army officer joins the defence service he takes an oath, a very solemn oath. It's a credo which says, ' The safety, honour and welfare of your country comes first, always and every time; The honour, welfare and comfort of the men you command come next; Your own ease, comfort and safety come last, always and every time'. Each time I remember these lines I get goose bumps!
I doubt if I need to go further into explaining why I consider 'Nirbhay' to be a collective for our soldiers. The credo says it all. These men continue to do whatever they are asked to do, in the most difficult of terrains, with their families miles away, with salaries which are a far cry from what they actually deserve.......and they do it dauntless, they do it fearless.
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