Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Where I stand

I had to interview a few post graduates today for a particular post in the organization I work in. Have interviewed many people to date. My experiences have been varied but very interesting. Every person is so very different, no matter what the age, what the background, what the education. Each person is so unique in their own special way. There is always something to learn while talking to candidates.

Come to think of it, there is so little time for a person to interact with you, share their thoughts, opinions, ideas and experiences with you! However, in most of the the interviews I have been amazed by the depth of reasoning, the thought, the honesty, which is so evident! Invariably my thoughts are that the younger generation is most definitely so much more aware of themselves, of what they want to do, of where they stand, of where they want to go. It is almost like crystal clear clarity!!!

When I compare where I was when I was their age (close to 20 years back!), the distance seems like light years away. At their age, I wasn't so aware about the various options, about the systems and processes, about the governmental agencies, their role. In fact I doubt if I knew what being analytical  meant!! It truly was a carefree life as far as I was concerned. I studied, had a whole lot of fun and never ever did I even think about what I visualized the future to be. It was more as if I was flowing in the stream and that my life would but naturally take the course it had to!! I don't remember ever wondering or questioning what I'd do, where I'd work, how much I'd earn, what my leave entitlement would be, whether I'd need to sign a contract, what the growth opportunities would be, what the induction would cover, whether I was entitled to travel reimbursement. And yet............. I worked, did well, earned reasonably well and above all enjoyed whatever I did. Was it pure luck? I don't know. What I definitely do know is that if the interviews were anything like what they are today, I doubt if I'd ever have gotten a job!

That brings me to another thought which often crosses my mind........did I miss out on anything, do I lack in any way. Well, I am happy just the way I am. I am thrilled that I enjoyed my youth to the hilt. I'm privileged that I was oblivious to the rat-race. I'm content with what I am, with where I've worked and with what I've done. Every place I've been in has been a learning ground and I've enjoyed every moment of my 'professional' life thus far!

As I prepare to move to another city after having worked in an organization for close to 7 years in various capacities, do I know what I'm going to do? No, I don't. Will I work there? I don't know. What I do know is that I'll be happy and content wherever I am - be it at work or at home!

Friday, February 3, 2012


Obituaries - how are they perceived? Certain obituaries seem as if the family is really grieving, some are more like news capsules, some like memorials. Can we judge what the family is feeling, what is the relationship they shared with the deceased? No, we cannot and we should not.

At a training session today we had to write our own obituaries, about how we would want people to write about us, about what is the mark we would want to leave behind, that people would remember us for, what is it that we hope to achieve so that people remember us. Was it an easy task? Initially no, but once I got down to writing it, it was fairly simple. This is what I wrote

It's been over a year since you've been gone,
But no, you've not gone, you're still there!
You're there when we see the flowers grow on your plants
You're there when we pass a bakery
You're there when we see colourful paintings on the walls of our house
You're there when we refer to your handwritten recipes
You're there when we see the many photographs you've collected and written about
You're there whenever we see colourful bangles
You're there when tea is poured out of the teapot
You're there whenever we see children
Above all you're there when we look at ourselves in the mirror.
You never really will go.
We miss you.

I wrote this from my husband and son's perspective. They matter the most to me. I don't know if I would want them to write about my qualities, my achievements. I would much rather that they remember me just the way I was when I was around.